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Calcined diatomaceous earth with high absorbency of all liquids.

Spray of a fixative film in aerosol to fixe the contamination on textiles and flexible plastic materials (i.e ventilated suits).

Spray of a blue fixative film in aerosol to fixe the contamination on textiles and flexible plastic materials (i.e ventilated suits).

Spray of a blue fixative film in aerosol to fixe the contamination on textiles and flexible plastic materials (i.e ventilated suits).

Spray of a blue fixative film in aerosol to fixe the contamination on textiles and flexible plastic materials (i.e ventilated suits).

Tool to be used with PUGESIL AC to spray a protective product.

Basic decontamination detergent, free from sodium and mineral salts.

Non irritant pour les yeux.
Décontaminant basique exempt de sodium et de sels minéraux. Voir détails.

Basic decontamination detergent, free from sodium and mineral salts. Used in hot temperature environment and is a foaming product.

Decontamination towels for cleaning and decontaminating floors, designed for trapezoid brooms.

Decontamination towels for cleaning, decontamination and degreasing of smooth surfaces.

Decontamination towels for cleaning, decontamination and degreasing of smooth surfaces.

Anti-foaming agent. Very effective at low doses.

Self-drying gel for decontamination of greasy surfaces. Do not use on aluminum alloy supports or on light metals.

Self-drying gel free of organic substance for the decontamination of greasy supports.

Self-drying decontaminating gel for all stainless steel supports.

Self-drying decontaminating gel for all stainless steel supports. Guaranteed without ammonium ion.

Self-drying decontaminating gel for all ferrous supports.