- 1. Decontamination without liquid waste ASPIGEL
- 2. Decontamination of metallic waste
- 3. Decontamination with towels
- 4. Decontamination of concrete
- 5. Protection film
- 6. Sealing film
La gamme ASPIGEL® a été conçu en partenariat avec le CEA et ORANO Démantèlement, les ASPIGEL® permettent de décontaminer une surface sans besoins de rinçages et donc sans générer d'effluent. Cette propriété permet d'éviter la création de déchets secondaire liquide qui représente un coût non négligeable lors des activités de démantèlement nucléaire mais aussi de faciliter la mise en œuvre, notamment dans des zones confinées comme les cellules chaudes ou les boites à gants.
FEVDI thus offers a range to cover any type of support materials:
ASPIGEL® 100 for stainless steel supports
ASPIGEL® 200 for carbon steel supports
ASPIGEL® 300 for lead material supports
ASPIGEL® 400 for aluminium alloy supports
ASPIGEL® 500 for concrete
L'ASPIGEL® se pulvérise sous la forme de gel, ce qui permet de couvrir des surfaces à la verticale mais aussi des plafonds. A la suite du séchage, le gel forme des paillettes qui se détachent du support par gravité, les paillettes peuvent être récupérés à l'aide d'un aspirateur.
Secondary waste are 100% mineral solid waste and therefore very stable for long-term storage.
Decontamination without liquid waste with theASPIGEL® 100
L'ASPIGEL ® 100, des résultats !
L'ASPIGEL ® 100 a été utilisé via ce retour de REX sur la cellule ISAI du CEA afin de décontamination une cellule chaude.
Decontamination of the ISAI hot cell of CEA withASPIGEL® 100
Metal waste from nuclear facilities can be recovered if the contamination below the release threshold. Thus highly decontaminated metal waste can in many countries be recycled, which makes it possible to reduce the cost of storage.
FEVDI has developed a range of products in gel form allowing the removal of contamination fixed by erosion while limiting the quantity of effluent generated.
FEVDIRAD OX1 GEL removes approximately 1μm on a stainless steel surface after a contact time of approximately 1h30.
FEVDIRAD OX5 GEL removes> 1μm on a stainless steel surface after a contact time of approximately 1h30.
FEVDIRAD OXE GEL ammonium-free removes> 1μm on a stainless steel surface after a contact time of approximately 1h30.
FEVDI has developed a range of towels impregnated with ALCATUM allowing manual decontamination. Impregnated towels can be used to decontaminate walls, floors, equipment, tools, ventilated clothing on all types of surfaces.
- Bag of impregnated towel 32 x 40 cm,
- Bag of impregnated towel 32 x 60 cm for floor decontamination
- Towels ROULSO 60F in bucket.
FEVDI has a range of microfiber, this allows the use of towels in an environment in the presence of nitric acid:
- Microfiber ALCATUM towels
- Towels ROULSO 80MF microfiber version in bucket
Demonstration of the ALCATUM impregnated towel for floor and of the ALCATUM impregnated towel
Concrete surfaces in dismantling projects can be restrictive, mechanical decontamination processes generate a lot of dust and can also present a risk in the management of this secondary waste. FEVDI offers a solution without generating liquid effluent with theASPIGEL® 500, this removes the fixed contamination from the concrete.
The dried pellets of the gel are simply removed with the help of a brush and a vacuum cleaner.
Decontamination of a concrete block usingASPIGEL® 500
The decontaminated concrete can again be contaminated, for example by the projection of radioactive liquid. As concrete is a porous material, particles can penetrate inside the pores.
FEVDI offers a coating that clogs the pores of concrete by mineralizing the orifices, which makes the concrete impermeable to water and liquids. This mineralizing product can also be used to protect concrete and thus improve its lifespan.
Comparison between mineralized concrete and non mineralized concrete
Il est parfois nécessaire de fixer la contamination nucléaire sur une surface au lieu de le décontaminer ou pour décontamination ultérieure. FEVDI propose des produits de fixations pour fixer les particules radioactives sur la surface afin d'éviter toute contamination secondaire, mais aussi pour protéger des surfaces propres contre la contamination. Le FIXATEUR LP6 (PMUC) allows to form a white protective film, this film is temporary and can be removed in contact with the FEVDIREM DNB. Le FIXAPRO P03 (PMUC) is a peelable film to protect a clean surface from contamination, so the film can be effortlessly removed and capture contamination. FIXAPRO P02 is used for labile decontamination without generating effluent.
The FIXAPRO P03 can protect a surface against the contamination.
Lors de travaux de maintenance, particules et poussières radioactives peuvent être sur la tenue ventilés avec un gros risque de dispersion de la contamination lors du déshabillage. Pour la sécurité du personnel et remédier à ce risque, FEVDI a créé l'AEROFIX qui est proposé en version liquide teintée l'AEROFIX LIQUID BLUE or in sprayAEROFIX BLUE. Il existe également en version incolore l'AEROFIX INCOLORE LIQUIDE and theAEROFIX INCOLORE.
TheAEROFIX BLUE allows nuclear contamination to be fixed on clothing and textile materials.
The FEVDISIL PB is a two-component allowing to form an impermeable barrier and resistant to water, even weakly acidic or alkaline. It makes a wall airtight or watertight or plugs a small hole. FEVDISIL PB polymerizes in the open air or under water, without releasing or releasing secondary products. The polymerized film FEVDISIL PB has very good mechanical strength; it is particularly resistant to scratches. Its blue color identifies the place it was applied.